29 September 2011

Visit chemical safety engineering lab

This week quite relax for me because I've already complete my task and conducted my seminar last week. I just take this week as a Korean week because I learn Korean language by my self(sometime with Dyana) with searching blog and video that teach Korean language easily.

Unexpectedly, Dyana's professor, Prof. Kim Ji Hong invite us (me and Dyana) to visit his friend at engineering building. He just can invite us because we are under IT department while Izzat and Akmar under Computer Science department. Since we are not busy, we just agreed with the invitation. 

After lunch , Prof. Kim and us went to engineering building. We met Professor Ha Dong Myeong at fourth floor. He looked eagerly our presence. Actually he really keen to meet us because he had heard about us from Prof. Kim. Prof. Kim and Prof. Ha is best friend since their still study at Kyung Hee University since 1981.

Prof. Ha work at Dept of Occupational Health & Safety Engineering at Semyung University as person that responsible to conduct 9 students to do research. 

Prof. Kim and Prof. Ha
-informally talked with us while ask a few question about Malaysia and University Kuala Lumpur-

Before we go to the chemical laboratory, we took picture together

This is the chemical safety engineering laboratory. Prof. Ha and his student were do their research here.

A few student under Prof. Ha. They are from different level. Some of them is second year, third year and postgraduate student. 

This is a successful product produced by Prof. Ha team. Flash points for flammable binary solutions by using a setaflash closed cup tester. The function is to determine the potential for fire and explosion hazards of industrial material.

This is one of the machine developed by Prof. Ha's team. 

Prof. Ha teach me how to conduct this machine. 

We are just talking and acquainted with each other.

Till then..see you on the next entry..^_^

25 September 2011

Extra Curricular Activities

So it's been almost a month since are here. We adapting very well Alhamdulillah. It's always hard as u start off anything new in life. But as u go through it, u knew how much u can endure and what a great worthy experience that u will gain.

Ok! enough talking about the feelings! Here are few updates on our activities here! As u guys may already know we have the one and only 'Lelaki Melayu Terakhir ' here with us. And this post is going to be partly and  mostly about him since he is the only one who involve in co-curricular activity here! Thanks to my lab friend Choo Yun Chul who invited Izzat to the tryout one afternoon. On that very evening Izzat dashingly accepted and welcomed to our department football team as a goal keeper. Big hands to him everybody!! =)).

So starting that evening onward Izzat and the team has been practicing soccer since there will be a internal tournament between all the departments in our university. Izzat and the team was the representative of our department which is computer department so called 컴퓨티 학부 in Korean.

The first match was great! On 21st september our team won with 2-0. Izzat did very well in defending our goalpost. In fact everyone on the team played with all their might that day! Me and Diyana doing our best to support the team by watching the game till the end!=) Ezany can't join us on that evening. She's been busy preparing for her presentation. The 2nd match was a bit disappointing to be quite honest. Both teams are working hard to win the game and the game ended with penalty shoot out. We lost out 3-4 to the other team.

First Game

Second Game

After the match that went very well, one of our friend Jimmy invited us to our university festival that night. We heading straight to where the performance took place after having dinner at pizza. The performance that night was mostly from our university's student. There is only one celebrity invited that night ; Navi,  where we have to wait until the end of the concert till we get to see her! It was EXTREMELY cold that night but it worth all the difficulty we went through as she performs as what we expected from her! I was a fan of her! =)

After 2 days of football games! Ezani and Dyana department having MT stands for Membership Training. Most university in Korea will have this kind of 2 days one night trip. It was hardly a membership training as the name claim to be. For me it was more like a get together activity where all the freshies will join the MT and will get to know all their seniors while playing games, and all sorts of activities that will bring us closer. But what is the most interesting things that i just can't let it pass by from this MT is that the lecturers and the professors will go from one group of student to another to join their activity or games. Aside from doing that ,students also get to hear what their lecturers really feels towards them, reminding all their responsibilities as student and not forgetting to enjoy their life as they're pursuing their dreams. It was really rare and quite impressing in my opinion to find a lecturer who still up even after 1 o'clock in the morning only to join their students and to talks about their life experiences and what not.

As for this MT we're heading to Danyang district. It was located in about 40 minutes from Jecheon city. It was really a beautiful and interesting place to be explored! And Danyang district was popular for the snow/ skiing activities in winter! And we'll make sure that our visit there was the first and definitely not the last one! =) Our kind hear-ted and warming friends who accompany us that night brought us to this lake where there is 3 kinda of small island in the middle of the lake! They told us the lake would freeze in the winter and we'll be able to walk across(on top of) the lake! OMO!!!  Can't wait to return back in the winter! =).

Dyana's professor told us Danyang was famous for garlic. There is sooo many kinds of garlic that i didn't know existed! Have u heard about black garlic? Yup! BLACK! So that very night we had a feast of food at restaurant where the food was mostly contains garlic or solely garlic! owwwh Yes! they serve us all kinds of garlic, you name it! Fry garlic, black garlic, pickled garlic, raw garlic! But we only ate few of them! Besides they serve IKAN BAKAR that is soooo tasty till we forgot about other food! Ow yes! among the foods there is this salad which called 'Angel Salad' yes, you read it right! And the salad was delicious too! We even asked for the refill! =) We spend our night at Daemyung resort! Another interesting thing is that, the design of the resort was similar to our dormitory in SMU! It was told that they follow our dormitory design building. The room itself was great! It was my first time staying in a room with no bed! yup! they provide us with blankets and bed sheets and we sleep on the floor.

The next morning we got back to our dormitory around 12 o'clock. It was such a memorable trip despite the short time!

Till then!
-Nor Akmar Atan-
Signing off~~

20 September 2011

Alien Registration Card Approved !!

Alien Registration
Visitors planning to stay in Korea long-term (over 90 days) must have some sort of long-term visa (working, teaching, studying, etc.) before entering the country, then must also apply for alien registration within 90 days of arriving.

Necessary documents vary depending on visa type, but generally we will need the original and a copy of our invitation letter from the company or school a guarantee from our university. We must also have our passport and several passport size pictures. First time applicants may also get fingerprinted. After turning in all the documents and pay the fee (around 20,00 won), wemust return in 7-10 days to pick up our stamped passport and your registration "card" (actually a small booklet). 

We went to Cheongju Imigration with all the International students accompany by Dean and staff from International Students Affair. We get there by bus.Here we state some pictures during process until Alien Registration card approved :)

Arrived at Cheongju Imigration

Waiting for process to registering Alien Card

after settle all the processes, we are heading back to Semyung University

The process of registering Alien Card took almost 2weeks. The International Students Affairs pick up our card on our behalf

- kamsahamnida -

report by;