29 September 2011

Visit chemical safety engineering lab

This week quite relax for me because I've already complete my task and conducted my seminar last week. I just take this week as a Korean week because I learn Korean language by my self(sometime with Dyana) with searching blog and video that teach Korean language easily.

Unexpectedly, Dyana's professor, Prof. Kim Ji Hong invite us (me and Dyana) to visit his friend at engineering building. He just can invite us because we are under IT department while Izzat and Akmar under Computer Science department. Since we are not busy, we just agreed with the invitation. 

After lunch , Prof. Kim and us went to engineering building. We met Professor Ha Dong Myeong at fourth floor. He looked eagerly our presence. Actually he really keen to meet us because he had heard about us from Prof. Kim. Prof. Kim and Prof. Ha is best friend since their still study at Kyung Hee University since 1981.

Prof. Ha work at Dept of Occupational Health & Safety Engineering at Semyung University as person that responsible to conduct 9 students to do research. 

Prof. Kim and Prof. Ha
-informally talked with us while ask a few question about Malaysia and University Kuala Lumpur-

Before we go to the chemical laboratory, we took picture together

This is the chemical safety engineering laboratory. Prof. Ha and his student were do their research here.

A few student under Prof. Ha. They are from different level. Some of them is second year, third year and postgraduate student. 

This is a successful product produced by Prof. Ha team. Flash points for flammable binary solutions by using a setaflash closed cup tester. The function is to determine the potential for fire and explosion hazards of industrial material.

This is one of the machine developed by Prof. Ha's team. 

Prof. Ha teach me how to conduct this machine. 

We are just talking and acquainted with each other.

Till then..see you on the next entry..^_^

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