01 November 2011

Nur Ezani~work progress~


As mention in my previous updated, my project tittle is Design Digital Logic For Touch Sensor Chip via Verilog. This project have four phase. Which is the due as below :
1. Phase One : 25 October 2011 
2. Phase Two : 1 November 2011
3. Phase Three : 7 November 2011
4. Phase Four : 15 November 2011
*date will change from time to time


Now, i'm in phase one. I have learnt how to create RTL(Register Transfer Level) and gate level (AND,OR & XOR).  To complete this phase, I need to do research and study about Full Adder (FA). Then, I need to understand how to create Top Chip (TC) and Bottom Chip (BC) via combining FA and AND gate.

                                           Bottom Chip                                           Top Chip

       Full Adder

Try to create TC.v and BC.v via Verilog

After successful create TC.v and BC.v, I need to create multiplier gate level code for 4x4 Multiplier and 8x8 Multiplier via Verilog.

This is 8x8 Multiplier
Create mul_8x8.v

To complete phase one, I need to conduct seminar on 25 October 2011. I was studied and prepared the slide  for my seminar.

My preparation slide and notes


My Phase One seminar conducted on 25 October 2011. All my team mate was attend the seminar.
Seminar started!
During seminar
 With one of ITASIC team mate.


Till then..see you on the next entry..^_^

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