24 October 2011

Nor Akmar Binti Atan

I was assigned to Computer Department and placed directly under the dean of the department. Most of the time, I will sit in the lab with the tutor and other students. Right now they are working on a project that I’m not familiar with which is mostly involving LED and the new algorithms that they develop in to promote low power consumption and cost effective LED. For the time being I was not directly assigned to any part of their project. However, I was coached by one of the senior student here on java programming using tools that im new with; eclipse. 

My desk in the lab


Right now I’ am working on a small project that involving sql database using mysql workbench. Beside, every week we are having 2 meeting with the dean on Monday and Friday evening. On Monday’s meeting we will be presenting about all of the things that we already study for that week. Especially about the project and task that we are assigned to. As for me I will have to present all the java skills and the output that I gain during the week. The Friday’s meeting was to discuss and present the latest new technology that existed out there. We have to prepare the presentation slide and explained technology in about 3 minutes per person. 
sql workbench

Weekly/Daily Tasks:
  • Attend Class
  • JAVA Training
  • Present newest technology
  • Present weekly progress

As for classess im attending:
  • Korean class(everyday from 9AM-11AM). 
  • Introduction To Language (Every Tuesday 10.30-12.30)
  • Korean Corporate Business Management(Every Wednesday 3.30-5.30)
  • JSP Programming (Every Friday 2.30-4.30)

Monday's Seminar

Friday's Seminar

Here I communicate mostly in Korean and English. In my labs I will use Korean most of the times. I use English when I was with other international friends or the Korean friends that fluently speaks English. I was quite surprised when they can understand my Korean. I pick up all the sentences and the words from all the dramas and tv programs that I have been watching since I was a teenager. And frankly speaking, knowing some Korean language before coming here was a great help as they rarely and completely unfamiliar in using English with each other. However it is quite hard for me to talk formally and to write a formal form in Korean as I only pick up the conversations part. But, as I attend the Korean language class, I tried to build up some skills in writing and speaking. Recently i passed the 1st part test of Korean language with 82.5% marks. The passing mark is 70%. 

Studying Korean
By Yours Sincerely:
Nor Akmar Atan

22 October 2011

Mohammad Izzat Duties and Tasks

Name           : Mohammad Izzat Mohamamd Fadzil
Id                 : 2011909026
Professor      : Cho Sung Goo
Department   : Computer Science
Group           : Android Programming
Project          : Android Application

- Presentation about Project -

- Project Study-

+ System architecture -

+ workshop overview 

- Design AI & UI Interface -

+ Using adobe photoshop CS5

+ Drawing UI interface

- Implementation
+ Using Eclipse SDK Version: 3.7.0

 + Debugging

 + testing using emulator

- Other tasks -

- Java Server Pages(JSP) Class -
- Korean for International Student
- Korean Corporate Business Management Class -
- Verilog Class -
- Examination -

- Java Server Pages(JSP) Class -

- Korean for International Student

- Korean Corporate Business Management Class -

- Verilog Class -
verilog with Ezani
- Examination -
Study week

 Examination day

좋은 하루 되세요

report by :

21 October 2011

Nur Ezani Duties and Tasks

My Position
I was assign in Information Technology department under supervision of Professor Park Sang Bong. My placed is at ITASIC Lab (409) in Digital Information Building

This is my place at ITASIC laboratory

Main Project
this is a XManager Enterprise3 application used to create verilog code via VI editor
part of my code 1 via VI editor
part of my code 2  via VI editor
result after compile the code

This project still in progress. We have done 50 % progress

Sub Task
Conduct Verilog and MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) seminar
Attend Korean for International student's class and JSP Web Progranning class


Verilog Seminar
I was study about basic of Verilog by refer to Verilog HDL Synthesis A Practical Primer ( J.Bhasker) and Verilog Hdl 2nd Edition (Samir Palnitkar) book given by Professor Park Sang Bong.

All my slide show during Verilog seminar

me during conduct Verilog seminar

MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) Seminar

To conduct MFC seminar successfully, I was study via refering to http://msdn.microsoft.com and get help from ITASIC team mate
Microsoft Studio 2010 to write MFC code


Korean for International (Language) Class
I learnt a few basic language like Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English and Bahasa Malaysia.
me during answer language class mid exam

JSP Web Programming Class

I also registered to JSP class. I learnt to develop JSP web page using Java EE via Eclipse

Others Activities

Till then..see you on the next entry..^_^